A Ripple Story…

Jutamas Jan Wisansing

Jutamas Jan Wisansing

Founder & Managing Director

Perfect Link Consulting Group

Nonthaburi, Thailand

Alumni: London, England, June 2014

In our 11069NAT Diploma of Positive Psychology and Wellbeing we always talk about the ripple effect; starting with self and creating a ripple out there in the world - whatever that may mean for each person.

In this interview, one of our Diploma of Positive Psychology and Wellbeing graduate shares her completely life-changing experience of the course, and how it set her up to share the message to over 500 individuals in Thailand and organisations!

What drew you to complete the Diploma of Positive Psychology and Wellbeing?

My passion has been dedicated to building community wellbeing through community-based tourism development. A multi-stakeholders participatory approach to achieve this is a complex phenomenon. We can only make positive signs of progress on sustainable tourism development if we understand what contributes to human wellbeing and flourishing.  

The challenge for me is “do I ever understand human beings? How can I make changes? Why do they lack the motivation to create a better world? What drives their decision and, in any case, what leads them to make poor choices?”  I had a very high expectation when I decided to take the journey in completing this Diploma. I have now found that the reward for this Diploma is that it enables me to develop the necessary knowledge and skills to tick every box it promised I would:

  • Apply positive human resource management to drive organisational scholarship
  • Create positive communities to increase individual and community wellbeing
  • Build positive relationships to create human flourishing
  • Developing engagement techniques for personal and professional growth
  • Developing positive emotions for transformational change
  • Enhance meaning & purpose in a personal and professional setting
  • Facilitate achievement and accomplishment for higher levels of wellbeing
  • Apply principles of positive psychology in wellbeing theory to measure and build human flourishing

What was your experience during the Diploma of Positive Psychology and Wellbeing?

You discover yourself more than anything else. The course reflects who you are and who you could be better. That is the core essences of positive psychology. If you are not happy and keeping well, you will not be able to achieve a bigger goal and in my case to be the change and to make community-based tourism development better for the residents of Thailand (not for tourists of course!…that is a by-product, if you are happy, we are glad too).

How are you spreading your positive ripples, and how has the Diploma of Positive Psychology and Wellbeing helped you achieve this?

I have shared the knowledge to more than 500 individuals, living in remote communities in Thailand and with private and public organisations. Creative tourism development recently has been awarded as the best strategy, using the positive change approach to open up all possibilities and overcome the fear of being inadequate in any way. The programme is focusing on making community members and leaders realise their full potential.